Chicken pox (varicella) and smallpox snake (herpes zoster, shingles) is an infection caused by a herpes virus group, namely the varicella-zoster virus. Infection by varicella-zoster virus causes pruritik vesicle-vesicle-containing water in the skin.
Cacar air adalah infeksi primer oleh virus tersebut. Cacar air sangat menular dan ditularkan dari orang ke orang melalui percikan (droplet) saluran napas. Cacar air biasanya merupakan penyakit anak-anak, tetapi orang dewasa yang baru pertama kali terpajan ke virus ini dapat menderita penyakit tersebut. Virus varisela memiliki masa tunas 721 hari dan bersifat menular selama periode prodromal yang singkat (sekitar 24 jam sebelum lesi muncul) sampai semua lesi menjadi krusta. Penyakit biasanya sembuh dengan sendiri dalam 7-14 hari.
Smallpox snakes usually occur several years after chickenpox infection occur in dermatomes (skin region) which are supplied by the nerve is infected. The disease is usually found in elderly or in people with reduced immune system caused by disease or stress. Herpes zoster seems to be transmitted through direct contact with lesions.
Gambaran Klinis
• May be mild fever and malese 24 hours before vesicles appear.
• chickenpox rash begins with a macular redness, usually first appears in the body and spread to the face and extremities. Within hours, the macula become fluid-filled vesicles that appear in the mouth, axilla, labium, and vagina. These vesicles contain fluid which eventually broke after a few days and leave the crust.
• At the same time can be found many of the macula, vesicles, and scab in various stages of formation and krustasi.
• Smallpox snake usually found in the skin unilaterally (one area of the body) along the affected dermatome. Places are commonly affected are the face, neck, and chest. They can be small or large quantities of more or less. Smallpox snakes can be very painful.
• Diagnosis is made by history and physical examination results
• One important clue to know the chicken snakes are unilateral location and appearance of pain. Complication • Secondary bacterial infection in the vesicles.
• Pneumonia, encephalitis, arthritis, and pain can occur in chickenpox.
• Reye's syndrome can occur in children who were given aspirin while suffering from chicken pox.
• Adults who may have contracted the water eaear trip severe disease and an increased risk of developing pneumonia or other complications.
• Chicken pox and measles can spread internally snakes in people with impaired immune systems, which can cause increased morbidity and mortality.
• Neuralgia (pain), post herpetic can occur in many patients with herpes zoster (10% -70%). Post herpetic neuralgia refers to pain that persist more than 1 month after acute herpes awitan.
• Varisela dapat dicegah dengan vaksin varisela. Vaksin ini dapat diberikan pada anak atau orang dewasa, dan efektivitasnya sangat tinggi dalam mencegah infeksi. Beberapa vesikel dapat muncul pada sekitar 10% pasien 10 sampai 20 hari setelah imunisasi dan sangat menular. Pencegahan varisela ini diharapkan dapat menekan insidensi herpes zoster meskipun hal ini belum terbukti.
• Management of active varicella is primarily supportive and aimed at preventing the occurrence of secondary skin infections. Bath wheat, calamine lotion and antihistamines can be used to reduce itching. Children need to cut his nails or use a sarong hand to avoid scratching.
• Obat antivirus (asiklovir, vidarabin, sorivudin) dapat diberikan setelah pajanan atau saat terjadi tanda-tanda paling awal infeksi varisela pada orang dewasa atau anak dengan gangguan kekebalan untuk membatasi infeksi. Penggunaan antivirus pada anak se- hat yang mengidap cacar air juga dapat dipertimbangkan untuk mengurangi banyaknya lesi dan lama infeksi.
• Handling of herpes zoster include analgesics for pain and antiviral drugs to limit viral replication. Systemic corticosteroids can be given to reduce the risk of post herpetic neuralgia.Patients with post herpetic neuralgia can be treated clengantopical anesthetic agents, neural stabilizer drugs, or tricyclic anticlepresan to relieve pain.
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